The information on our website comes from our own experiences and research, books, articles and information on the subjects or items.
Using or wearing of stones or crystals does not mean you can treat, cure or prevent any disease. Please consult your Doctor for information on helath care issues and do not stop any medications, courses or treatment without first consulting your health care professional.
The use of stones or crystals as a wellness therapy is one of personal choice. Whilst stones and crystals have been used historically to relieve or prevent symptoms, the products we sell or recommend on our website offer no guarantee of results.
Due to changes in UK Law on 26th May 2008, Katie London Jewellery would like to advise that when we discuss or hand out literature relating to the healing properties of stones and crystals, we are communicating our own personal beliefs and the results of our own extensive research.
Just because a stone or crystal is alleged to have one or more healing properties, either physical, mental, emotional or spiritual it does not mean you will definitely experience or benefit from such properties.
Any information you receive whether orally, written or electronically relating to stones and crystals purchased from Katie London Jewellery should be received and understood in the above context.
Katie London Jewellery will consider all purchases of stones, crystals or jewellery from Katie London Jewellery is made on the basis of your own freedom of choice.